Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Nava!

Happy Birthday Navanithesvari Chitralekga a/p Subramani! May God bless you, dear. 
Our future doctor. Lagi 4 tahun di Russia. Miles can't separate us :)
With this two 'beautiful' ladies (sorry cera hahaha)
With this two 'cute' ladies with cute personality. Hehe, this is our future therapist (shere) and doctor (nina, the tallest one :p )
Our first time wearing Puthu! How it's look huh?
Tak cukup bergambar dalam dewan, tambah lagi kat luar dewan dengan abam daus kitew tu.
Perangai tak pernah matang dari dulu. Hyper dia kalah budak ADHD haha, perkenalkan our future 'Pembela Negara Nusa dan Bangsa' Ikhsanuddin (i forgot how to spell your name, i'm sorry)
Our current model and future accountant, Ayuni Haris. Cantik sangat Ayuni pakai saree!
Maklumlah, dah kata pon model. Cantik dia berganda-ganda lah kan :P hehe. Ayuni, goodluck in whatever you do sayang :)
What a surprise! i just met my secondary school's teacher at Nava's party! WOAW! And thanks God she'd still remember me as well.
Dulu ketua keceriaan, sekarang kadet palapes. Our future mathematician.
Thanks ambil gambar kiteww >.< ha ha ha